How to Choose the Right Adhesives for Your Requirements

The proper adhesive must be selected when packaging products. Packaging adhesives, which exist in a variety of forms and varieties, are used to join two surfaces together. Your packaging demands will be best served by a particular adhesive depending on a number of variables, including the type of packing material and the climatic conditions during storage and transportation.

Let us look at these factors in detail:

Consider the packaging material

The kind of material you are using should be taken into account when picking a packaging adhesive. With some materials, different adhesives perform better than others. For instance, some adhesives perform better with packaging made of paper while others perform better with packaging made of plastic or metal.

The climactic conditions during transport and storage

The environmental circumstances during storage and transit are a crucial additional issue to take into account. You'll need an adhesive that can endure those circumstances if your product will be exposed to high temperatures, wetness, or other challenging elements. For instance, you will need an adhesive that can survive freezing temperatures and high levels of humidity without losing its bonding strength if your product will be stored in a freezer or exposed to those circumstances.

What is the bonding strength of the adhesive needed?

Another element to take into account when selecting a packing adhesive is the desired degree of bonding strength. Depending on how heavy or fragile a product is, some demand a stronger bond than others. For instance, heavier or more fragile goods may need a stronger adhesive than lighter or less fragile goods since they are more likely to be damaged during shipping.

Even the environment friendliness of the packaging adhesivesshould be taken into account, but sometimes businesses are compelled to choose adhesives that can be a little harsh on the ecosystem. For instance, solvent based adhesives work well with non-porous material like plastic or metal, but they can be difficult to clean and emit volatile compounds. However, even these solvent based adhesives can be made in such a way that they don’t cause irreversible damage and you should choose a company that offers these.


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